We did it! Or should I say we are doing it! With Season 20 of Law & Order, we tie Gunsmoke for longest running television drama! Lets hope we set a new record next year with a Season 21...I shouldn't get ahead of myself, we haven't even started filming the first episode of the season.
In hopes of improving the Law & Your Order blog, we have come to the decision that it is time to broaden the scope, and move beyond the topic of food. Its been fun reviewing our lunches, but the truth of it is, we only order from a handful a restaurants, and I can only write about Spice's Pineapple Cashew Chicken Fried Rice so many times before I go crazy...and people have voiced concerns about my social life, or lack thereof, since I am able to write about food with such ease.
My biggest concern with expanding the topics was that the title would no longer apply. But Crista was quick to point out that 7-11 got its name because it was originally open from 7am to 11pm, however, most of their stores have since changed their hours to cover all 24, but kept the name. Therefore (enter the geometric symbol of a three dotted triangle) we have decided we are entitled to keep our title.
So anwyhos, enough explaining. Time to get to posting...