Thursday, November 20, 2008

Law & Your Lunch Order: Guest Post

Today we have a special treat: a review from the Production Office! They ordered Indian food, a cuisine that Crista and I are too big of wimps to order-- I know everyone likes to shake things up and keep it fresh, so Production Office did us the honor of reviewing the otherwise never to be reviewed restaurant Earth ...Thanks guys!


Gillian's Intro and Review:

We over here in the production office found out about this food blog and got very jealous. Not because we don't also receive our $12 worth of delicious lunch every day, but because we love an opportunity to be sassy. And we also like food.

In addition to the initial excitement of a blog dedicated entirely to the lunches that are brought to us by the swift and nimble steps of the smiling Daioh sushi man or the scared Bottinos guy, we also learned that this blog is the reason for the delighted response of "Yum!" or "Yaaaay!" that C-Cat gives us when we dial ext.185 to her that the Locations lunches have arrived. We were wondering why the restaurant names have been unrecognizable as of late. It all seems to make sense now…

So, without further delay, I present to you our guest entry:

Spicing Things Up! A Closer Look at the Indian Culinary Stylings of "Earth" (formerly known as "Indian Kitchen"

So this isn't the first time we have ordered from here, but they recently changed their name from "Indian Kitchen" to "Earth". I don't know if that means the food now tastes like dirt or what. They also classed up their menu by making the font tinier and more spread out, with the prices as just numbers, which apparently means it's fancier. Does the food taste more delicious, though?!

Um, YES. I ordered my favorite Indian dish, Chicken Makhani, which I have tried at many different restaurants. This version was definitely one of the best yet. It is supposed to spicy (but not overwhelmingly so) and creamy, and Earth's had a perfect blend of both. The rice could have been a little less greasy, but paired with the chicken it was excellent. A piece of Naan bread rounded out the meal nicely. My only complaint is the guilt I now feel for not eating any vegetables.

Rachel's Samosas:

With a description like," savory pastry stuffed with spiced potatoes and minced lamb" deliciousness should have been seeping out of the samosas I ordered. However, this certainly wasn't the case. On top of the spiced potatoes and minced lamb the samosas included peas, which, I am a fan of, but, the pastry was a little more crunch than I was expecting and the lamb was dry. On top of that, after one bite of said samosas the structural integrity was completely compromised. All together I wouldn't bother ordering them again. Luckily Earth, formally known as Indian Kitchen, has much better dishes to offer.

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