Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I'm a Celebrity! Well not really!

So before working at Law and Order, I worked over at NBC in 30 Rock (NOT THE SHOW). Back in '06 I was on the corporate softball team for NBC. Our NBC team was asked to participate in a Celebrity Softball Game for Autism speaks that took place at Brooklyn Cyclones in Coney Island. It was so much fun and a lot of NBC talent played softball as well, including the one and only Alana De La Garza, one of the leads of Law and Order. We took a photo together and I just remembered today and showed it to her. Don't you think it's pretty ironic that I took a picture with her and now I work at Law and Order? Hmmm I say it's quite interesting... Da Da DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

PS. We lost BUT i was ONE (THANKS CAT) of the scoring runs! the first of 2! AND I struck some dude out on the other team. I want to play again. Anyone in?

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