Thursday, September 3, 2009

Don Giovanni's

Donny G's - Mediterranean Salad w/ Chicken

A side-note to start: I spelled Mediterranean correctly above the first time I tried and it made me think not "wow, I'm a good speller!" but "something must be wrong with the spellchecker in blogger..." Me of little faith...

The Mediterranean Salad, aka a heavily chopped lettuce based salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, white onions, radishes (don't belong), peppers and the pleasant surprise of artichokes was dressed with some sort of oil based dressing but a little bit different than a vinaigrette (that I had to spell-correct). My deduction: oil dressing w/ a mixture of juice and grease from the grilled chicken sliced on top.

The chicken breast was delectable. The outer-layer charred to perfection with the right mixture of crispiness outside and succulence within.

Recommended because of chicken excellence but the salad itself is weird. Next time I will purposely and with authority request dressing on the side, to investigate further, AND a side of oil & vinegar, just in case the dressing, in it's rested form, is skivatz.

1 comment:

Gillian said...

This is an old standby dish for me. I like the salad part! Also, the few olives are like little salty prizes throughout.