Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Ready to Roll

Sadly, the Haulin' Cass/Cassie Hay media blitz is over -- but you can catch my teammates as they conquer their world with roller derby-ness.  This morning, they were on the Wendy Williams Show.  I'm currently in the process of converting every female in the office into a roller girls.  Gillian, you're next!  I personally think Bridget would be fierce....but for now, I'll just have to be content with the fact that we've gotten a gaggle of L&O-ers to come to the next bout!  October 24!  Not only will you get to see me hit people, it'll be your chance to hang out with some super cool people -- I'm referring to an appearance by the one and only K-Kat!  And Jacob's family!  And Bridget and Moe!  And CRISTA!!!!  It just keeps getting better. for tickets

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