Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I'm a figgy fool.

Got some fig newtons from crafty and tried to offer them to Crista. NO, I HATE FIG NEWTONS! Crista says... Is she allergic to them? Did her mother force feed them to her when she was a kid? NO, apparently she doesn't like the sandy texture to them. THEY ARE SEEDS CRISTA! SEEDS. Maybe one day you will like them... Maybe one day I'll give them to you as a present. Yum Yum Yum


Crista said...
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Crista said...

YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO EAT SEEDS!!!!! Do you eat the seeds in Oranges, Kat??? or in peaches??? or avocados???? Fig Newtons are vile!!

Kat said...

Well you must eat seeds Crista. Especially when you eat STRAWBERRYS! Strawberrys and figs are in the same FAMILY!!! Don't you love families?

Crista said...

I don't like Strawberrys either

Cat said...

Did you know that avocado seeds are poisonous. It is a theory that perhaps some are more sensitive (me) to the poison than others.